Post subject: Behold GoreMod 2.3.1 !
So, a new dawn, a new day, and a new GoreMod version.
Im hoping all those servers running very old GoreMod versions will benefit from this release as I have included a client command, gore_vercheck, to display versioning info.
Full list of changes..
- Fixed gore_menu bug on servers with 64 slots.
- Removed un needed hooks.
- Added version checking client command gore_vercheck.
- Added cvar for removing gibs after a specific time period.
gore_gib_lifetime 0 // Lifetime in seconds of gibs once spawned. 0 Off.
The last cvar is to improve performance on CSSDM servers.
The problem was only brought to my attention recently that on CSSDM enabled servers, the round never ends, so the gibs stay around untill map change.
I can only imagine what this may look like on a 32 player server after 30 mins LOL !
Anyway, as usual, any problems and I am here to help ! |