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.: A couple of new updates. Thursday 8 February 2024
Author: Jay
I just realised there are another couple of forums on my hosting which need patching so today I will patch them. One of them is the old ZombieMod forums.

So... with that comes also the news that I will be releasing ZombieMod 4.0 next week hopefully. I will be enabling the old site at https://www.c0ld.net/zombiemod later today and messing with the code over the weekend. The guys over at CS2Fixes have done a great job of getting MetaMod plugins to work with CS2 so standing on the shoulders of giants I will be updating Deadvox, GoreMod, SprayMod and ZombieMod for CS2 before continuing on my Unreal Engine 5 journey.

Hopefully people are still interested but I will enjoy the challenge regardless.

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.: Well, well, well! Friday 2 February 2024
Author: Jay

I think 14 years is long enough for an update.

I have recently found myself thinking of times gone by just last week I came across some Humble Bundle tutorials for Unreal Engine 5 game making and couldn't resist. I picked up one bundle of tutorials and another of assets for my first game. I am really excited to dive head first into this! Trust me, I will be spending every free minute playing around with this. I think the long-term aim is to make a full game in the style of ZombieMod CS:S. Maybe things will change a long the way, maybe not. I will take things as they come.

To start with though, I needed to clean this place up. I had registrations closed for the past 14 years because the darn bots were running amock so I have done a couple of things.

I have added hCaptcha to stop bots signing up, I have removed all bots and their posts from the last 14 years and I have opened up the forums again.


I will sign off this first update of many by saying if you have time and would like to get involved then just reply here. It's not a paying position until we release something. I am looking for map makers, animators, modellers and texture artists I guess? I won't need any help until I can get the bare bones mechanics down first so no rush just yet.

Please feel free to signup to the forums and say hi. I'd love to hear from old and new friends.

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.: Worth a read no matter what you think.... Sunday 29 August 2010
Author: Jay
If you agree or not, this is worth a read and will inform the uninformed, please don't judge it until you get to the end. Information from an independant source with no agenda or angle, for a change, listen to logic instead of propoganda and headlines.

Vienna Declaration: Drug policy based on science, not ideology.

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.: Update, what update? Wednesday 10 March 2010
Author: Jay
Wow, it's been quite a while since I've done anything with this space and I've been thinking lately I might get working on it again. Maybe keep people posted on my current projects.

First things first, I need to clean down the forums. The anti-spam software I implemented works to an extent but it still marks the forum as updated and adds to the post count, this is not a good thing. I'll see what I can without /dev/nulling the entire thing.

I always said I wouldn't but I'm on twitter now if you're interested in random blurbs of an Irish Web & Software Programmer http://twitter.com/c0ldfyr3_ie

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.: Spam Control Monday 29 December 2008
Author: Jay
I've been keeping an eye on the new spam prevention and I have to say it's working perfectly =)

I don't want to broadcast which software I'm using but if you have a genuine interest contact me via pm or email and i'll give you all the details.


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